Greetings folks, during this past VeeamON 2021, Veeam has done it again and announced a new feature that many of us have been waiting for, it is native support for protecting workloads that are on top of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization. According to the Veeam press release "Veeam is announcing support for its fourth hypervisor in response to
Archives for May 2021
Veeam: Veeam announces enhancements for new versions of Veeam Backup for AWS v4/Azure v3/GCP v2
Greetings friends, other such great news showed during this VeeamON 2021, is undoubtedly the announcement of new versions for each and every solution that Veeam has for native protection in the Cloud. I'm talking about native loads on Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform. During VeeamON 2021, Danny Allan and David Hill show us a
Veeam Announces Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v6 – Self-Service Portal and Native Integration with Azure Archive and AWS S3 Glacier
Greetings friends, during this VeeamON 2021, Veeam has announced many new features that I will be telling you during the following days, but certainly one of the most significant is the new version of, already a veteran (Danny Allan mentioned about 175,000 downloads of the product), Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365, in this case, Veeam
Looking for the Perfect Dashboard: InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana – Part XXXV (GPU Monitoring)
Greetings friends, I have been showing since 2016 all the goodness of Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Grafana. And I do not get tired since every day or week, I have new technologies, or hardware, that I want to monitor to have more detailed control of all my environment. Just a few days ago I acquired an NVIDIA RTX 3090, one of the best graphics cards
VeeamON 2021: Accelerating Our Data Protection Strategy – Best Practices for v11, and What’s New for Office 365, Azure, AWS, and GCP
Greetings everyone, it is that time of the year where big IT events happen, usually, around mid-year we have VeeamON, KubeCon, and others like Azure, etc. This year, same as last year, the circumstances are exceptional and we can not attend in person, which is always the best of the events, "the Community". Despite that, and thinking that next