Greetings friends, a few days ago I finally finished a project that I had thought about months ago but I never had time to complete, it is about having the Visio forms of Veeam, or any other manufacturer, printed and magnetic so that we can use them in the increasingly common whiteboards, this can help us to: Create better presentations for
Veeam: AWS workloads now protected thanks to the Veeam’s acquisition of N2W Software (N2WS)
Greetings friends, probably you have heard the news that told us how Veeam had acquired N2WS, a company that is dedicated to the protection of environments in Cloud on Amazon Web Services. Why did Veeam acquire N2WS? N2WS is a leader in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) data
Looking for the Perfect Dashboard: InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana – Part VIII (Monitoring Veeam using Veeam Enterprise Manager)
Hello everyone, in February of this year I wrote a script to monitor a Veeam Environment using the VeeamPSSnapIn, you can check it out on the Github page here. This post was a tremendous success, at even I had the chance to explain a bit more to the VeeamON participants, celebrated in New Orleans. But it has a minor shortcoming, it might run