Greetings friends, I told you a few weeks ago about the mess Let's Encrypt has made with the expiring CA, and I also told you how to put a new SSL with ZeroSSL. Unfortunately, in the process, I think I broke something, as I was messing around with the certificates trying to remove the expiring CA, etc. The problem that all this generated for me
Veeam: Improved visibility of our immutability policies in Veeam ONE v11a
Greetings friends, just a few months ago I told you that Veeam had released Veeam ONE v11a, and although it was a minor update to carry a letter and not up version, I understand that it may seem small, many improvements, but certainly a very important one, and is that Veeam ONE v11a, we can find direct visibility on our Immutability policies for
Veeam: Six outstanding new functionalities in Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v6 – Beta
Greetings friends, Veeam has released a private beta of Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v6, I had the clearance resolved with the product management team, in order to publish a few great new functionalities that are coming soon. Disclaimer: The screenshots and functionality might differ from the final product when it reaches GA, take the
Veeam: Veeam Backup for Red Hat Virtualization – Quick Overview, Download, Deploy, and Configuration
Greetings everyone, a few months ago I've covered How to Deploy oVirt, step by step. And as some of you guessed, the next topic was how Veeam can help with the workloads deployed on top of Red Hat Virtualization (or oVirt). At the last VeeamON Update 2021, the Public Beta of Veeam Backup for RHV dropped and I have decided to take a deep dive on the
VMware: PSOD after updating to vSphere ESXi 7.0 Update 3 – Panic Requested by another PCPU – Thin-provisioned VMs
Greetings everyone, this blog post is a bit different, as it is to spread the awareness of a potential issue that might affect your environment if you, or your customers, upgrade to the latest ESXi 7.0 Update 3 Build 18644231 to be more precise. Important News: VMware has pulled ESXi 7.0 Update 3, Update 3a, and Update 3b. What's New ESXi